• Portfol is the self-proclaimed "creator" of LORO REALM and it's place amongst other realms akin to it.
He's taken it upon himself to keep LORO running on his own accord.
While they don't mess with any coding regarding residents, it's certainly got something to hide about what it does.
• Upon visitors popping in more frequently - Portfol freaked out about what information he held and it's importance. This is why his head is taped + rubberbanded shut. Her pride in her creation is strong to a point of paranoia in what he knows.• When Arachnis and Madaam eventually made their way into LORO, intending to stay - she created Loom as a monitoring system. Cameras felt too eerie, and he wanted a way that felt a little less overbearing. Loom and Portfol are close due to this, and Portfol's close attention to caring for them.• While keeping looks has been relatively easy on his part, he hasn't had good relations to everyone.
Portfol does not like Madaam, and Madaam does not like him. He chooses to be kind to her regardless; even if it wouldn't fix the feud.
In an accident regarding messing with a room's overall build - Madaam crashed into a wall and shattered. Madaam nags Portfol for this, and commonly puts blame on him in situations even if he played no role. He wants Madaam gone, but his respect for Arachnis as the first resident to arrive] is too high to do so. He's been relatively crude to Madaam. This is only due to her crude behavior back at him.
• Portfol, despite the paranoia he's burdened with, allows Foldy to roam freely. Foldy is his brother, and has given him access to rooms others do not.
This ranges from Portfol's office, to even storage closets. His trust in Foldy has no bounds, or any yet to be discovered.
• Out of all relations he's held, Arachnis and [TV] are his closest.
Arachnis has repaired Loom on multiple occasions, and overall has high respect for Portfol and his work.
[TV] is Portfol's significant other. When [TV] arrived, Portfol was immediately captivated by him. Any time he had the chance to run into him, he would. This still applies even today, just a bit less as he's put more trust in [TV].
Despite this trust built, neither have more access than anyone else. The most they have is the occassional stop-by into his office.


• Portfol was an idea long before he was ever sketched out. Loom was meant to be LORO's lead, but Portfol was a better concept for this.• The cords connecting his hands together are connected to a voicebox within. He sounds similar to a broken record, as his speech tends to be sporadic and at times frantic. You can see it as a robotic voice call.• Up until my boyfriend suggested a character for LORO, Portfol was certainly meant to be alone in his thoughts and his processes. While he technically still is, he now has more individuals to put trust in than just Arachnis [Loom, too].
Overall this just adds to his character and what bonds will be affected during story choices. Of course nothing regarding a split in their relations, I'd much rather keep Portfol in a relationship than out.
• The precautions on his head [tape, rubber bands] can only be taken off via cutting it off, or ripping it off. Shredding it off certainly not a good method to choose for this, as it could fracture Portfol and the content within his folder.
Due to his secrecy and fright around it - he rarely ever has people close enough to touch him. Foldy an exception for family reasons. He has all power and means to prevent anything harmful in his way ; yet his paranoia consistently gets the best of him. He's not called "crazy" by Madaam for nothing.
• He has a copy of his folder in his office - hidden away and out of sight. You cannot edit this document, and no changes can be made to it to affect LORO. Portfol can mentally access the actual folder. The copy is for emergencies, or for whenever he finds it important to share to residents.• All of his individual parts can float freely, and can even be re-arranged and resized. He keeps in this form regularly, preference for this as it's easy to get around in. His choice over his model is free will, other than his head and outfit.
^ [Can be removed, but not changed or deleted.]

↓ an example of a change in his model ↓



• Loom serves as LORO REALM's "security." They are the resident who finds lost souls amongst the space outside - bringing them in upon Portfol's direction.
They have eyes everywhere - following visitors around while hiding in shadows. It's typically only seen on it's own accord, choosing to make its presence known.
• While their movement is very fluid and flexible, it's resulted in stitches popping or limbs getting damaged. They are usually directed to Arachnis for repairs; blatant that it's a frequent occurence.Portfol made Loom when Arachnis and her wife, Madaam arrived. It was created and given it's own coding.
While Loom still is commanded by Portfol, they can think for themself and willingly turn off their monitoring systems. Of course this would be questioned - but it's rarely been a problem. Loom is devoted to Portfol and recognizes her almost as family. It's fond of Foldy in the same way, just doesn't interact with him as much.
• While they primarily focus around visitors, they still will keep an eye on residents. It hasn't been fond of Ivory, finding the digital database to be obscure and dangerous to keep around. Loom doesn't interact with really anyone in the arcade section- the occassional stop-by to Rotas and [TV], but never really keeping a strong conversation. The bright lights and humming electricity makes it's head spin.• Despite their job, they've still managed to keep good relations with every resident. Madaam still gets anxious around Loom - but any interaction they've held Loom took it upon itself to turn off their system.
Loom and Madaam are considered "friends." More or less, Madaam getting extra info off of them since they're more than open about it.
They know of what Portfol is doing, and what he wants - so it's been more than not cautious about what should be heard by him. Loom only discloses information to Madaam, who keeps this information private as well out of respect.


• Loom is the oldest LORO REALM character to date. They were meant to be the lead, but now only play an important role.• The design for it comes from a roblox avatar I had at some point - now out of date.• Loom can speak like anyone else [just not visibly], and mimic sounds. Residents have said they know it can mimic voices, but it's yet to be seen or heard by Portfol. It's voice can be tied to sounding 'distant' or detached. It sounds almost as if it's in your head. It isn't.
Loom also has eyes. They are only open while "stalking" individuals amongst the shadows. Their eyes are closed so often to a point no one recognizes the eyes in the shadows as Loom's.
• Throughout the entire playthrough of LORO, Loom follows the player around. You can spot it in some backgrounds, either through eyes or limbs almost out of sight. The player will not recognize this is happening, and will not comment.• Loom is the only resident with no set area to find them in. You kind of just have to guess - or be lucky when bumping into them. There's an area above the entrance of the arcade said to be their hideout, but no real lead on if this is true or not. No one's bothered to check, as they don't want to tarnish reputation with Loom or Portfol.• While they typically prefer floating, they will crawl when it comes into use. They can scale walls, and hang from ceilings. Akin to a bug, almost. This is one of many ways they follow the player around, and is especially recognizable inside the Arcade.• Loom is canonically nonbinary; also underneath the aro/ace umbrella. They don't feel romantic or sexual attraction, and honestly can't. They've retained these traits since early production.• In older Loom designs, it used to have a "sibling," if not incredibly close friends to a point of sibling bond. This character belonged to Ghost, but is now scrapped (at least, as far as I know and as a LORO concept.)



• Madaam is LORO REALM's designated cleaner [willingly.]
She helps keep things tidy, unclean spaces making her uncomfortable and she's sure visitors as well.
She runs the "kitchen," serving out food if need be to any visitor who stops by and asks.
• When she initially joined LORO REALM, it was for her wife Arachnis. She hadn't had good feelings about any of the realms, but Arachnis insisted this one would work out. Having trust in her wife, they've lived there since - serving their roles proudly.
Madaam still is uneasy about LORO as a whole, but doesn't mention it.
• Due to being porcelain, her movement is often hindered. Arachnis commonly will help her with more tedious tasks to ensure her safety.
Madaam owns a cane to assist her in walking - but because of her consistent cleaning routine, she tends to rely on the broom instead.
• Madaam's left upper body is shattered and cracked. When Portfol was changing one of the room's overall build, she was caught in an error and crashed into the wall. She heavily blames Portfol for this, feeling as though it was purposeful.
She's never had good trust in Portfol, and that will remain as such. She tends to assume all errors or mishaps are his fault.
• Despite the relationship she holds with Portfol, she is close with Loom. Madaam uses their discussions as ways to get more info on realms, LORO itself, and Portfol. Loom willingly shares this info with her, and no one else knows about their conversations.• With how long she's lived in LORO, she still actively tries to figure out ways to shut it down. She's come to believe Portfol is trying to gain power over more realms - eventually controlling all space available. She's one of the very few residents aware of Portfol's plan, only figuring this out through Loom's share of a document.• Outside of Loom and Arachnis, Madaam holds only acquaintanceship with Rotas and [TV]. She talks casually with Rotas, and speaks to [TV] the same way as his relations to Portfol is something she would rather not tarnish by hating him.
The only resident she's had an issue with is Portfol - No one else. She can be snippy, but no real hatred on her end for anyone.


• Madaam was initially meant to be a ghost, but Porcelain felt a better concept for her and Arachnis' relationship [and as a lore addition regarding storytelling].• Although she was one of the earlier characters made for LORO, she serves as a heavy plot point in the game itself.
Her and Portfol are the main points of progression in-game.
• She is a heavy neat-freak. Almost a germaphobe, but it's not extreme to that point.
She commonly carries hand sanitizer, wipes, and cleaner on her not only for her job, but also for her own peace of mind. She doesn't shake hands with anyone aside from Arachnis.
• Her clothes cover a lot of surface area - mainly to cover up her shattering, but also as a way to shield herself from outside germs on her person. Rarely ever would you find her wearing something revealing.• When she was shattered, she had to repair herself. It freaked her out to a point not even Arachnis could assist her. The most Arachnis was allowed to do was create an eyepatch to cover up the parts she couldn't repair.
Her right eye is missing - the pieces to fix it too small and mismatched to be put back together. Even if it was, the likelyhood of her seeing out of that eye was extremely low. She took the choice to only see out of her left.
• Madaam is canonically a trans woman, and a lesbian. When transitioning, she sculpted her chest on using clay. Luckily, when she crashed into the wall, the cracks didn't reach it and it's still in tact.• If you can push Madaam's attitude aside, she's one of the most trustworthy residents in LORO. With no bond around Portfol, it's easy to discuss with her. Loom's respect for Madaam is high to a point even if it's monitoring you, it's system will be shut off in her presence. Madaam has no control over Loom, just a friendship and an agreement.• When initially meeting Madaam, it takes a couple of tries before any info is given from her. She often feels watched - even if she isn't being watched. Her paranoia around Portfol has grown since speaking with Loom on a regular basis.• The only area you can find Madaam casually is the kitchen and Arachnis' main room. She feels most comfortable there, and finds it more useful if she sticks to the same radius.